
First Crown Snow

Good morning(- ∀.)ノ去年より24日も早く富士山初冠雪ですΣ(・□・;)少し風があり、寒いのでお出かけの際には上着があった方がいいと思います!今日みたいな日はレストランの豚汁であったまりたいですね~(*^o^)LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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Mount Fuji


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9April 14

Good morning! It's got a little cooler in September.(*^^*)A lot of vegetables and fruits are in stock! Jumbo Flowers, Celebes, Cucumber, Nagasu, Shisito, Goya, Pumpkin, Shine Muscat, Quinnina, Kyoho, Pione, Minoru Fuji…..Camping is recommended at the campsite newly made in the food park because vegetables , meat and fruits are aligned at the station of etc road(*^▽^*)LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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